Prežihov Voranc and Leopold Suhodolčan Memorial Room



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Prežihova in Suhodolčanova spominska soba
Phone386 (0) 2 870 5424

The memorial room area of the Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik in Ravne na Koroškem consists of two rooms dedicated to the life and work of renowned literary authors, Prežihov Voranc (1893–1950) and Leopold Suhodolčan (1928–1980).

The Prežihov Voranc collection showcases the Slovenian editions of his works and a number of translations. It also includes works about the author, a selection of photographs chronicling his life and achievements, and the draft of the memorial located outside his childhood home in Preški Vrh.

The Leopold Suhodolčan collection was unveiled on the 70th anniversary of the birth of the popular youth literature writer and co-founder of the reading badge movement. Displayed are the Slovenian editions and translations of his works. Family photographs, watercolour paintings, and a selection of awards the author received inform of his life, activities, and achievements.

See also

External links

Prežihova in Suhodolčanova spominska soba +
Prežihova in Suhodolčanova spominska soba +
SI-2390 Ravne na Koroškem +
Na Gradu 1 +
The memorial room area of the Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik in RThe memorial room area of the Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik in Ravne na Koroškem consists of two rooms dedicated to the life and work of renowned literary authors, Prežihov Voranc (1893–1950) and Leopold Suhodolčan (1928–1980).ld Suhodolčan]] (1928–1980). +
The memorial room area of the Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik in Ravne na Koroškem consists of two rooms dedicated to the life and work of renowned literary authors, Prežihov Voranc (1893–1950) and Leopold Suhodolčan (1928–1980). +
+386 / 2 870 5424 +
Ravne na Koroškem +
SI-2390 +
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